Friday, July 31, 2009

Blog Number 377

Greetings and welcome to today's random thought.

I am thinking that my blogs are not quite what they used to be.  I have thought about this a lot lately actually.  I have come to one conclusion, my life is too good right now to be much of a blogger.  I mean, my best blogs (in my opinion) are when I am ranting on about some injustice in my life or some suffering I am currently experiencing at the hands of others (mostly my wife).  But all is going well in my life, too well for effective blogging.  I have tried to think of something to gripe about but the empty New Blog page just stares back at me.  My Buick cost $400 to fix (window motor) but I had the money put away in savings so nothing to whine about there really.  My weight loss is going well and my LASIK went so well that I could be the poster child for LASIK.  No, I really don't have anything to gripe about.  I am turning 40 in 3 1/2 weeks but I am in good health and have a nice career still.  My hair is still there.

Well there's something for ya.  My hair.  Lately I have been thinking of cutting it all off or even shaving it all off.  I could save time in the shower and in front of the mirror each morning.  I could wear a sock cap in the winter and not mess up my hair (or a ball cap now) and could just use the trimmers that I bought about a year ago for $40 to keep it trimmed up and save money on hair cuts.  There is just one problem, the wife won't let me.  I don't mean that she asked me not to, I don't mean that she said that she preferred I not do so, I don't mean that she sympathizes with me and is simply giving me her thoughts on the matter.  I mean she actually forbid it.  She says that I do not have the skull to pull it off.  I countered with "what proof do you have that the shape of my shaved head would not be adequate" and she blew off that request with a "you just don't" answer.  I was not sure how to counter that exactly.  I tried the "it's my head and I'll do whatever I want with it" or the "just let me try it and if you are right it will grow back" or the "think of the money we will save on shampoo" but none of these worked.  She also expressed concern that it might not grow back in properly "this time" as if cutting my hair down would alter its growing patterns.  It is as if she is the prosecuting attorney, the jury and the judge.  Actually, that is not that different than most discussions that we have on matters of my looks (clothing included).  She "lets me" pick out my glasses but waits until my eyes are dialated before letting me try them on.  At that point in time they all look the same on my blurry face in the mirror.  I joke that I am just a life sized Ken doll (the wife does not laugh at this comments and just nods in agreement, like that was somehow in the fine print of our marriage license).  Ken's hair never grew though so maybe I can get an exception type ruling on hair and not be in violation of this fine print agreement (I seriously doubt it).  The only exception on my hair is when I went a year without cutting it (the picture on this site is from that period).  I think she actually liked my long hair though.  One argument she offers is that she likes my hair as is and since I have such great hair, it is somehow my duty to keep it styled in some manner that meets her approval.  It is a tough burden to bear having such awesome hair.  I have always had great hair (as long as I can remember however honestly I don't remember caring about or even recogonizing that I had hair in my pre-teen years).  I find myself almost asking men who have their head's shaved or cut real close when it was that they decided to give up on their hair.  I have not gotten up the nerve yet actually to ask someone this but I just might soon.  I imagine their reasons will mimic my current desires (just tired of wasting time on it or maybe that there was too much grey which is not necessarily true in my case but I do have some grey).  I don't think however that I will hear the response "I have a great skull."

I just might do it (some night when she is not here).  Maybe I can talk the son or daughter into doing the actual trimming (so I have an accomplice to share the wrath that will surely result).  I don't wear glasses any more, I soon will be down 30 pounds and I think I deserve a new look (good skull or bad skull).  I will have to keep you posted.

Thanks for reading my Random Thoughts.


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