Showing posts with label Fiat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fiat. Show all posts

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Ten Thousand Miles

The odometer in the Fiat just passed 10,000 miles so I thought I would take some time to show you the anal-retentive way I keep track of my mileage since Day 1.  First a little background.

When I rolled off the lot in my Fiat 500 it had 73 miles on it.  It was given to me with a full tank so for the purpose of this exercise we can consider 73 = 0 in counting the miles I have driven.  Here is the first chart I would like to share showing mpg for each the 33 tanks of gas that I have used…


The Fiat 500 was listed as 34 mpg in town and 40 mpg on the highway.  Most my driving is in town so I was a bit disappointed with the initial mpg that I was getting.  I was hoping things would improve as the car was broken in and the trend line would indicate that it is. I have hit 35 mpg on 3 occasions.

Almost as important to me is the cost per mile which can be seen below for each tank…


This is a bit deceptive since not only mileage affects this but also the price per gallon…


So, as my miles / gallon increase, unfortunately so has the price / gallon.  This does allows for a steady price / mile cost though.

Some other information that may only be important to me is the cost per day.  I have spend $1,016 so far on gas over 289 days for a price / day of $3.52.  My car payment originally was $8.83 per day (I have since then moved my loan to my credit union for a lower interest rate and shorter term making it $9.70 per day now).  I will not bore you (further) with my insurance costs.  I have only had the maintenance costs of an oil change and that sums up my costs.  I am on pace to drive 12,700 miles for the first 12 months though that will go up as the son and I are heading to Indiana with a brief stop in Tennessee on the way.  That should add close to 2,000 miles.

If you want a copy of my super duper spreadsheet that allows me to track all these things just leave me a comment.
