Friday, September 18, 2009

Blog Number 430

Greetings and welcome to today's random thought.

I am trying to mix it up a little.  I cut my hair shorter than it has been since I was around the age of 5 for starters.  Also, I am changing my exercise schedule.  Previously I would to the treadmill in the morning before the wife woke up.  This seemed the right thing to do.  I don't care much for sleeping in (and I get a headache if I lay in bed too long while awake) and the wife needs more hours of sleep each night to function normally.  This extra sleep (or my less sleep) affords me to have an hour or so alone each day albeit I have the basic choice of either 5 - 6 in the morning or 10 - 11 at night.  Since I have tried the morning slot for the past 5 months or so I am now going to try the night hour and see how it goes.  The wife falls asleep in the chair around 9:30 so I figure then is a good time to hit the treadmill.  I finish up around 10 or 10:15 and then hit the shower.  By 10:30 I am here in front of the computer and the wife should be 30 minutes into her sleep time.  The problem is that she does not like to fall asleep without me.  Mind you, I don't have to go to sleep the same time as her, I just need to be in the room with her at that time.  So this new routine will be a bother for her I imagine meaning that it might be short lived.  We will have to wait and see.

I have worked my way back up to 30 minutes on the treadmill now.  I had to back it down a bit when I returned from vacation and tonight was a tough one, especially the last 6 minutes or so.  Now that I don't have my trusty weight spreadsheet pressing me on, I need something new to work towards.  I don't know if I want to lose another 5 or 10 lbs really and I don't see myself taking up running anytime soon so I don't know what is left really.  The wife and I are starting something new on next Monday however and that is the 200 sit up challenge.  One day back when I was doing push ups and sit ups each morning in addition to the treadmill, I was researching how many sit ups a 40 year old man should be able to do.  I never did find the answer but I did discover the 200 sit up web site.  According to it, if you follow their program you should be able to do 200 sit ups in a row after 6 weeks.  Their definition of a sit up is a little different but 200 seems like a lot by any definition.  We have challenged another couple to go through this at the same time so we will be able to urge each other on during this period.  We plan to do the other challenges (100 push ups and 200 squats) after completing this one so this should take us into January of next year depending on how well we make it through the holidays.  Can you imagine being able to do all 3 of those?  I can't see either my wife or myself being able to do it but I will trust in the sites encouragement that anyone can do it until proven otherwise.  Wish us luck.

Well it is nearing 11 so I best get to bed.  I imagine the doberman is wanting me back there about as much as the wife since Nina is not allowed into our bed until the whole pack is bedded down for the night.

Thanks for reading my Random Thoughts.


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