Friday, January 2, 2009

Blog Number 349

Greetings and welcome to today's random thought.

I am really enjoying my (daughter's) new camera.  It takes 8 MP pictures and since my old one was only a 4 MP, this one makes my pictures look a lot better.  Being the cheap person that I am, I decided to go with the same brand (Kodak) as my old one solely since they accept the same rechargeable battery.  Of course they do not use the same docking station so the only way to charge the battery is to take it out of her camera and put it in my old one and then dock it.  So basically my old camera has been reduced to a battery holder solely for charging but it served me well for the few years that I have had it.

It was a little foggy when I woke up this morning...


I thought the Christmas lights looked pretty cool through the fog (and any excuse to use the new camera will do).  This house belongs to the neighbors across the street.  We did not get to know them that well but we do know that they are from Sweden and have been in Texas about as long as we have.  The son plays with their 13 year old a lot of the time and sometimes the daughter will play with their other son who is 4.  Last year when we first moved in he was a little difficult to understand as when he talked he combined baby talk with English and Swedish.  His mother had to translate usually.

The son took some of his Christmas money and bought a nerf-like gun that shoots little suction cup rockets...


This is a zoomed in photo of our light fixture that is about 12 foot off the ground.  I shot these two darts up there as the son promised me that (eventually) they would come down.  I shot these up there around noon yesterday and had to swat at them this morning while standing on the dining room table.  I suppose they would have fallen down eventually but I had to get them down before the wife noticed (though standing on the table did make her suspicious).

The wife is in full move mode now (though we are still 30+ days away).  She has lots of ideas on where we should live when we get to Kokomo.  She tends to swing from idea to idea very quickly as well.  So far this morning we have gone from living in my mother's house for a few weeks while we look for a home to calling a local builder (that call alone is deserving of a blog really but the wife does not blog and she needs to tell it really).  From there we thought about renting a house that some friends of ours have open until July and then we moved on to talking about calling her architect friend and designing a house.  All this before 11 AM as well!  I just make hand motions like I am riding a roller coaster and wait for the next big idea.  I am sure she might have a few more ideas before the week (or day) is over.

Thanks for reading my Random Thoughts.


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