Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Pain In The Neck

Greetings and welcome to today's random thought.

For about a week now my neck has been hurting. I have several theories as to the origin but I think it is from falling asleep on the couch while watching the Olympics. More specifically it is falling asleep on our couch with the wife in front of me. Even more specifically it is falling asleep on our small couch, with the wife in front of me, and her shoulder blade piercing into my abdomen forcing me to lay in an awkward position that resulted in a sore neck (translation: it's the wife's fault). The first day or two was pretty bad but then I had a few good days. Today however it is worse. There is no normal position that is comfortable. I might have to seek professional help.

We don't have any plans for today. Historically that means that it will be a busy day as we try to do everything that needs to be done as we remember it. This means that there will be chaos driving around town with the routes being uncoordinated and wasting time and gas. Without a schedule you can never be done. I think I might have to take a few moments before we leave to get with the scheduling agent and clarify our agenda for today. I think it will have to involve buying coffee. We seem to run out of coffee in a pattern that is off from our grocery buying. We consistently drink two cups each of coffee every day but we have not synced up our coffee buying as of yet.

Even I am getting tired of the snow that is still on the ground from 2 weeks ago. We got another ½" or so overnight and 5" more is coming on Sunday night / Monday morning. Depending on the temperature it might only be freezing rain but wither way the drive to work should be interesting. The constant snow on our rooftop has resulted in some gargantuan icicles hanging from our house. There is currently one on the back of our house that I swear is 5 foot in length. It could serious impale (or kill) a creature (like say, a dog) that might be in the wrong place when temperature and gravity decide they have let it grow long enough. Another good spot for killer icicles is just off the front porch where the sidewalk starts. There is a pile of leaves still in that section of roof and the result is a rust colored icicle due to the water running through the leaves and then freezing. Unlike leaves, this color of brown is not appealing to the eye so I try to knock them down as soon as I see the baby icicles forming. Maybe my constant looking up and knocking down icicles has added to my neck issues.

I did remember / was reminded that the facial hair left on my chin is known as a soul patch. I friend who say my new look reminded me of this with made me remember that you can choose this particular facial hair style on the one golf game I have for my old GameCube. I can remember not choosing that style for my golfer due to it looking rather silly (for a digital golfer, for me I guess it is OK). The daughter still thinks I look crazy and has take to covering her eyes when I arrive in the room begging me to shave "that thing" off my face or to grow my "face beard" back. So far, no grown up that has seen me in person has offered a comment. This might be due to kindness on their part or perhaps shock (come to think of it, isn't that what style is supposed to do, shock people? I mean, look at some of the get ups in the early rounds of American Idol!).

I mentioned that one of my new year's resolutions was not to purchase any new music this year. A second resolution is not to drink and soda / coke / pop / carbonated beverages this entire year. I am 50 or so days into the year and so far, so good. I have not even been tempted really though not buying any for the house really helps as well as leaning toward hot drinks due to the temperature. We will see if I can make it through the summer months (and if I get a ruling on whether frozen cokes count or now since they technically are not carbonated). I have one more resolution but I will save that for a later blog (or not as it will be the hardest to keep for the entire year). Well, typing on the computer this long is starting to hurt the neck and I would hate to think blogging was the real origin of all this pain.

Thanks for reading my Random Thoughts.


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