Monday, October 6, 2008

Blog Number 328

Greetings and welcome to today's random thought.

Well it is October already.  This year has flown by.  I normally do not say things like that but for the first time in my life, it seems like the year truly has gone quickly.  Part of it for sure is because of the car accident that my wife and kids were in around April and part of it (though it pains me to say so) is due to the fact that I am 39 years old now.  I have a theory about this (I know, I know, this shocks you, right?).  This does involve some math so if you want to skip down a paragraph or two then I won't blame you.

You see, my theory is that it is all relative.  Meaning that we compare current time to past time and the more past time there is (i.e. the older you are) the less current time seems to be in comparison.  For instance.  When I was 8, 1 month of time was about 1% of my life but now that I am 39, 1 month of time is about 0.2% of my life.  So, in comparison time seems quicker only because compared to past time, it is small (and getting smaller).  The bad news is that with every current passing second, that second becomes a smaller and smaller percentage of our past time.  This is a more sound theory than the theory I have about each of us only being given a certain amount of words to speak before we die (I think I blogged about that in the past).

Speaking of speaking words, I did manage to start back up on my Spanish lessons this past week.  It has been about 6 month since my last Spanish lesson.  I do remember how silly some of the phrases are in the software that I am using.  For instance, one phrase in this week's lesson is...

El payaso de la izquierda es bajo y gordo.
(Translation: The clown on the left is short and fat).

As you can see, a truly useful phrase that I am sure will serve me well should the need arise to speak Spanish at a circus.

Yesterday afternoon, the daughter and I went on a walk.  We cut across a vacant lot at the end of our street and into a (sort of) field.  I took along the camera to talk pictures of any interesting flowering weeds that we spotted along the way.  Ever since I took a summer class in college called Summer Flowering Plants I have been interested in flowering weeds.  I think it is all the days of driving up and down county roads at 10 miles per hour looking for more weeds that has somehow cursed me with never being able to just ignore the beauty of weeds.  Anyway, we did capture this picture while we were out.

Now I do not show you this picture for the flower but rather for my 6 (almost 7) year old daughter's foot.  It does not look as small as I remember it.  In fact, it looks like someone else's kid's foot really, not mine.  It could be the nail polish or that those are relatively new sandals but I just think that my youngest child is growing up at a faster and faster rate than I care to admit (sigh).

Thanks for reading my Random Thoughts.


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