Sunday, May 18, 2008

Blog Number 298

Greetings and welcome to today's random thought.

I know that I am getting lazy now and not keeping up on my blogging.  I could offer excuses but it comes down to an uncommitment to blogging really.  I still have the mindset when I see something or something happens to me I am rating it as either blogworthy or unblogworthy.  Lately though my standards have been raised and nothing blogworthy happens to me much anymore.

Last Sunday was the Kidz Praise program at our church.  Our kids had faithfully gone to church each Sunday evening at 5 PM since the beginning of the year and this was the big grand result.  We arrived early (as instructed as the drop off time was a few hours before the program) and then hung out in the coffee shop that is located in our church's atrium.  When it came time to go into the gymnasium and find a seat I noticed that many seats were "saved" (and not in a spiritual sense).  When I was little, I would call a seat "saved" so no one else would take it.  Typically you were saving your spot on the couch when you got up to get a drink or go to the bathroom.  I cannot recall a time since I was 12 years old though that I ever saved a seat.  My kids to this all the time but I have kicked the habit now for going on 25 years.  Some adults it would seem still are in the habit of doing this.  As we were looking for a seat and were eyeing one good row of seats (all but one were empty) we were told (by the single occupant of the row) that the first 7 seats were saved (taken was the word she used I think).  I gave her my best "what are you, 12 years old?" look but it did not work.  I then gave her the "hey, my wife is in a cast and neck brace" head nod.  Nothing.  So we moved 7 spots down and then sat down.

This past Friday night was our son's school program.  We had been submitted to listening to the music for this program endlessly for about the last 6 weeks or so.  We knew the songs by heart and most of his movements.  We arrived 45 minutes early (the kids had to be there 30 minutes early).  There was a silent auction and some of the items were rather nice.  We only bid on one thing however and that was the "day at the teacher's house" item.  My son's teacher was to offer the winner and 3 of his/her friends a morning at her house that culminated in a water balloon fight and a cook out.  I out bid the initial bidder and then came back later to out bid another bidder that had gone over us.  Eventually the price got too high (it was $70 about 15 minutes before the auction was to end) so I gave my son the bad news (though he was convinced we could afford to bid higher).  When we were ready to go into the sanctuary to find our seats for the program we were greeted with more seat saving.  This brings us to...

Random Bad Quality Pictures With My New Cell Phone

It is hard to make out the writing on these slips of paper but they had someone's last name written on them.  This is a step up (or maybe down) from the lady sitting in the row and saving 7 seats.  These people had the audacity to think that by simply arriving early and possessing the ability to write that they somehow warranted better seating.  Two rows behind this one was the following scene...

There are the slips of paper again but also staking a claim on these seats was a purse.  I give this person a little more credit in that they risked a personal possession (namely the purse) on these seats.  I had a few thoughts / ideas in my head as I was wandering around the area taking these photos but though better of it (like moving the purse and notes to other rows or maybe marking out their last name and writing my last name on the papers).  It would be par for the course if while these people were NOT in their seats, they were out there out bidding me on my one auction item I was interested in.  I have no way of knowing but my gut tells me that soon this purse will be carried by a lady dropping kids off at my son's teacher house for burgers and a balloon fight.  Sigh.

Thanks for reading my Random Thoughts.


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