Saturday, March 15, 2008

Blog Number 272

Greetings and welcome to today's random thought.

Dearest Wife,

     I am glad that you are feeling better from the flu bug that has made you sick these past 7 days.  I wanted you to know that I did not mind doing the extra work while you rested.  I also wanted to thank you for all the helpful hints and suggestions on improvements on my cleaning methods, cooking techniques, dog training approach, my time management skills, and my child rearing habits.  Your advice is well received and I tried to put it to good use.  Today though you are feeling better and are eager to take your responsibilities back over again but rest assured that those precious nuggets of wisdom will not be forgotten.  I love you.


Dear Faithful Blog Reader,

    Sorry for the week long hiatus from blogging.  I was very busy.  Let me tell you about my week.  The wife decided it was a good time to ruin her 4+ year run of not being sick.  And ruin it she did, with vigor!  The flu bug hit her hard and she spent most of the last 7 days in bed or on the couch.  She was like a slow moving migratory animal that moved twice a day.  I could follow her tracks from the bed to the couch (in the morning) and from the couch to the bed (at night).  While she was on the couch, she would bellow out commands like a field general managing her subordinate troops into the battle of life.  So for the last 7 days I have pretty much cooked every meal, bathed the daughter every night, done laundry, made beds, ran the son to and from school, kept the daughter entertained and during all this have tried to do my normal job by working from home.  Speaking of work, this week (for the first time ever) it was Global Casual Work Week.  Whenever our company signs a large contract, they usually celebrate by letting all the workers worldwide wear jeans on Friday.  Well we signed a huge contract recently and they celebrated by making the whole work week casual.  Me though, well I worked from home (though I did dress casually each day).  Also, my group at work had a quarterly meeting where all the various managers get up and discuss the previous results and put forth new goals.  During this meeting, not only was the application that I manage mentioned by name, but so was I, by not one but two managers.  I have worked on this application for 7 years, 2 months and 3 weeks and have never received any formal mention for it, ever.  But this week I was, and I missed it since I was at home taking care of General "Hey You're Doing That Wrong".

     And then there is the whining.  Man!  Worse than hearing the constant, rasping cough that about drove me crazy around day 4, there is the talking about how tired and bad she felt.  I get it, OK?  You feel bad.  I would point this out very often, "Hey honey, you know what really helps you to feel better?  Talking about how bad you feel.  Yes, if you talk about it every 45 minutes or so, every day, for a week, then yes, you will feel better."  Man!

    And then there's the dog.  Now for whatever reason, the dog can't get enough of me.  Even before this last week.  I try to avoid the dog but that does not work.  When I was trying to get some work done this week on the computer, she would invariably be in my computer room bugging me with the rope bone in her mouth and that "Wanna Play?" look in her eyes.  Either that or she was scratching at the back door.  I would estimate that she goes in and out that back door 20 times a day.  She just gets bored and wants to run around and I can't blame her for that but man that is a lot of heat escaping every time that door is opened and closed.  I don't have the numbers in front of me but I bet my heating bill is up a noticeable percentage since we got Gabbi 5 months ago.

    The kids did great as expected since it was like a vacation for them to have daddy (the entertainer) home all week.  The daughter really enjoyed it.  Since I have a video camera hooked up to my company laptop, I would hook up a video conference (mostly one way since not many people have web cams) and she would wave and say hi to my coworkers.  She greeted people in Argentina, Egypt, Hungary, England, Australia and New Zealand and had a blast doing so.  I would always tell her the first name of the person she was waving too and she would look at me in disbelief since she had never heard of some of the very foreign first names.

     The cat was really screwed up over all this.  Typically I arrive home from work around 5:30 and he knows that it is time for his dinner when I come home.  Well this week I would arrive home at about 3:20 from picking the son up from school.  So he could not figure out why I would ignore his hungry meows for 2 hours every day.  He almost looked hurt or offended that I would neglect him in this way.  I also think he is still messed up from Daylight Saving Time.  Poor cat indeed.

    Anyway, thanks to all my coworkers for understating why I was slow in responding to their needs.  Thanks to my daughter for being a good nurse to her mother during this time.  Thanks to my dog for reinforcing the fact that I do not like dogs and thanks to you faithful reader for understanding the lack of blogs.

Thanks for reading my Random Thoughts.


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