Friday, August 17, 2007

Blog Number 217

Greetings and welcome to today's random thought.

I left work right at 5:00 today.  Traffic is not bad at all unless I stay until around 5:30.  By 6:00, it is much worse.  I park in a garage and have to navigate around two large circular drives before I even get out to the road that I take to and from work each day.  Behind me today was a little, blue, convertible Mercedes.  The top was down and the guy in the car appeared to be ready for the weekend.  I was on a small road that connects the two circles that I have to drive around (the circles only go one way) when all of a sudden a security truck came out of an entrance.  He did not appear even to look for traffic and I had to hit the breaks pretty hard.  I did not really come close to hitting them but if I had not been paying attention there could have been trouble.  I was going to let everything go at that and get back on my way home.  However, the blue Mercedes dude had other thoughts.  He honked his horn (a little to long and loud for my taste) and then passed me and passed the security truck.  He offered a choice hand gesture to the driver of the truck (not THE hand gesture but a hand jester all the same).  He then sped past the truck and went away.  I decided to stay behind the truck and follow him around the circle.  He ended up turning off before I did but when I came to the stop light I saw Mr. Attitude in his little blue car.  For all his speeding around he accomplished very little (other than being 3 cars ahead of me in line for the light).  Once the light turned green, he began to speed up and weave in and out of the lanes to better his position.  But no matter what he tried, I caught him at the light.  By the time I was turning onto another street, he was still only 20 foot or so ahead of me.  These kinds of drivers are a pet peeve of mine.  I actually blame NASCAR.  I think these rush hour jockeys get a little too much Jimmy Johnson in their blood when they get behind the wheel.  I will admit that for all my frustration in watching him drive, I did get a pretty good feeling when I would see him drumming his fingers waiting at the same light that I arrived at while driving the speed limit and staying in my lane.  That put a smile on my face.  If I were bolder, I would have gotten out of my car while the light was still red and let him know that my 4 door Buick was making just as good time as his Speed Racer unit was.  But seeing as how he works at my company, it would be my luck that he is an upper level manager or something and it would all bite my in the end.  At any rate, I got home at the normal time (and probably beat him home).  Also, it is the weekend so all is well.

Thanks for reading my Random Thoughts.


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