Thursday, February 15, 2007

Blog Number 148

Greetings and welcome to today's random thought.

I was running about 15 minutes late coming home yesterday.  The day before I was about 2 hours late so yesterday was much better I guess.  Anyway, I called the wife on the cell phone on the way home to talk.  I have a hands free earpiece / microphone so that I can keep both hands on the wheel.  I also try to dial before I get on the road so I am not messing with the little numbers on the phone while trying to dodge traffic.  Since yesterday was both a Wednesday and Valentine's day, she had the evening planned (translation: I had no say in the matter).

We were going to eat dinner (Sloppy Joe's) and then take the kids to AWANA (the Wednesday night church activity) and then we were going to head to Starbuck's.  We did the same thing last week actually so this was not a surprise.  I just did not think we were going to make a habit out of it!  We get to Starbuck's and sit down with our drinks and a desert.  After about 30 minutes or so, 3 teenagers sat down at the table next to us and started up their conversation.  By this time the wife and I had sort of run out of things to talk about and it was about time to leave anyway to pick up the kids.  However, since I was sitting the closest to these 3 teenagers, I could not help but listen in on their conversation.  OK, I could have helped it but I chose to eavesdrop.  I will have to paraphrase the conversation but here it is...

First Girl (FG):  Well isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?
Second Girl (SG): What?  I don't understand?  Why would a cot talk to a kettle?
FG: No, a pot.  A pot was calling the kettle black.
SG: I don't get it.
The Guy (TG): You know, a pot?  A pot calling the kettle!  Black?!
SG: Huh?

It went on like this for about 2 minutes and then...

TG:  The pot is black right?
SG: Yeah.
FG: And so is the kettle, right?
SG: Yeah.
TG: So the pot is calling the kettle black.
SG: I don't get it.  I hear what you are saying but what are you talking about?
FG and TG: (Sigh) Never mind.

Now I don't know which was funnier (or sadder), the fact that SG (probably 17 years old) had never heard this phrase before or that neither of the other 2 teenagers (probably around the same age) had so poor communication skills that they could not explain the concept at all.  I almost stood up and took over the conversation and gave them all an education but I thought better of it.  I wish now that I would have as it would have made for a more interesting ending to this blog.

Thanks for reading my Random Thoughts.


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