Greetings and welcome to today's random thought.
Sorry about not blogging yesterday, I was not feeling well. Of course I could have blogged about not feeling well, but I didn't feel like it. While at a stoplight on the way to work this morning, I looked in my rearview mirror and was people watching. Now the wife will tell you that I am a people watcher. I am more than that actually, I am a people commenter. This is what gets me out of going places with the wife (like the grocery store), her fear that my "people commenting" might be overheard by (oh, I don't know) people. I am of the mindset that some things that are odd just have to be pointed out, no matter who's feelings may get hurt. Anyway, I looked in my rear view mirror and saw a mother and father obviously heading to work and their small child in the backseat. Both parents were eating breakfast, one had an apple but I could not tell what the other was eating. But there they were, just having breakfast together in their car.
That made me think of my family (not that we eat a lot in the car). It made me feel thankful that we sit down each night together (as a family) and have dinner together. I have no idea if this family eats other meals together like this or at an actual table. That is one thing that I have sort of vowed to do, never have a family life so busy that we don't have at least one meal a day together.
OK, enough about that. Today being Friday the 13th I thought I would broaden your vocabulary a little. Now you have probably heard of Triskaidekaphobia (the fear of the number 13) but have you ever hear of Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia? This is the fear of the number 666. Now I have a healthy respect for the number 666 but I really cannot say that I fear it. Today also marks the first time in 476 years that all the numbers in a date of a Friday the 13th total 13 (10/13/2006 - 1+0+1+3+2+0+0+6=13). That has not happened since 1/13/1520 (according to this article).
More that likely though you are reading this entry on some other day than today, so take heart, you survived!
Thanks for reading my Random Thoughts.
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