The wife had to work (4) hours on Saturday and we are still surviving with only (1) car so I either could drive her to the pet store she was to be at or stay at home without a vehicle. It turned out that I did not even have a choice as the son was invited to a birthday party at an hour between when the wife started and when she finished. Since I would have the vehicle, it also fell on me to pick up birthday gifts. I say "gifts" in the plural form as the birthday was for twin boys. Since we just moved here and since we did not know the birthday boys that well, I (hesitantly) allowed myself to buy gift cards.
The wife was working 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM and the party started at 2:00 PM. The pet store was a (30) minute drive and the party was at a place about (20) minutes from our house and (15) minutes from the pet store. What all these details mean is that I had about (45) minutes to kill after I dropped off the son and before the wife would be ready (even accounting for drive time). Since there was a Hobby Lobby near the pet store, the daughter (who was not invited to the party) and I decided to kill some time there. Once the 3:00 hour approached we headed back to the pet store.
The wife was not quite finished so we hung out at the front of the store and made small talk with the pet store workers (all of which knew eerily too much about me having spent the last few hours with my wife). We also talked with any customers, especially those who brought in their pets. One of the last customers that checked out before the wife was ready to go was a man about my age with a large, hairy dog. He was chatting nicely enough with the cashier, making light of the fact that his dog had grabbed a "snack" as they were going up and down the aisles that cost him $1.29. As he was walking away from finishing paying the cashier and almost at the door, the cashier yelled out that the man had forgot his receipt. She simply asked ,"Do you want your receipt?" Now here a simple NO or YES would have sufficed (with a Thank You thrown in) but his reply was, "No, Obama would not let me claim it on my taxes anyway." This reply was said with a hint of disgust (at Obama, not the cashier). The cashier gave a nervous, "I have no idea what you mean but I am glad you are leaving" kind of smile and that was the end of that.
I had a few minutes to ponder the whole transaction before the wife was ready. What was his point exactly with that answer? Was he suggesting that previous presidents had allowed some sort of write off for pet toys and snacks and that Obama had come into office and immediately passed legislation that stopped this from being a possibility? He just came off sounding like an idiot really. I know that Texas is a red state and had voted McCain in 2008 and that the Dallas area is one of the only metroplexes that lean Republican but this guy was not doing any Texas Republicans any favor by flapping his jaw. He could do those Texans who agree with him a favor by keeping his mouth shut.
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