I am typing this blog using Windows Live Writer on the wife’s new HP Mini Netbook. So far I am impressed with this little thing (the small amount of time that I have been able to wrestle it from her hands that is). We have not even begun to explore all the things it came with (including the add-on GPS software) so I am sure this is not the last you have heard about our new purchase. After unwrapping the netbook, I snapped a pic of the wife turning it on for the first time.
Now to the confession part. I have mentioned that 2 of my new year’s resolutions this year were to drink no carbonated beverages and to purchase no music. I think I have slipped (albeit slightly) on each of theses. First the beverage. One of my daughter’s favorite things is root beer floats. I got her hooked on these things a while back and whenever we buy vanilla ice cream she begs me to head over an aisle or two and get some cheap (Big K) root beer. It was a few weeks ago when I was dishing out ice cream for the family and a root beer float for the daughter. Even though I am careful to put the root beer in the glass first and drop the ice cream in carefully, this time the foam was rising too fast. It was only out of instinct that I quickly dipped my head down and sucked up the near over flowing foam. Technically, the beverage was no longer carbonated but my mind will not forgive me. As for purchasing music, I did buy 2 tracks from Praise Hymn. I have been asked to sing a special in our church in April so I needed to buy the accompaniment track along with a demonstration performance track. I think it totaled $2.58 but (again technically) this is a direct violation of my resolution.
My third resolution I have yet to mention to you. I did not know if I was going to keep it or not and did not want to appear as if I had broken it. But since I am confessing, why not? I decided to grow my hair and not cut it at all for 2010. I did this a few years back (my profile pic here on xanga is from that period). 3 months into this and I am itching to shave the head down again to the 1/2” length I had last fall. I withstood the temptation on Sunday afternoon when it was at its strongest thus far but I don’t know how much more I have in me. I will keep you posted.
I am getting used to this slightly smaller keyboard so I think I might have to make it my default blog-from computer (with the wife’s permission of course).