Greetings and welcome to today's random thought.
Wow, 10 days without a blog. My apologies. You can always check out my YouTube channel to see what occupies the time normally set aside for blogging. For some reason my kids find that more enjoyable than watching me type out a blog. Go figure.
I had an idea during ABF on Sunday morning. Our bedroom is huge, probably twice the size of the kid's rooms and most of our bedroom is wasted space. Inevitably, the whole family ends up in that room for the last hour of the night for one reason or another. We keep our computer back there and if we are reading a chapter of a book to the kids then it is usually in that room. Anyway, my idea was to give our bedroom to the kids to share (even though they are of opposite sex and are 9 and 6 years old, they sleep together in a tent every weekend in the son's room). We would take one of the kid's rooms and the computer would get the other room. I told my wife about this and she thought it was worth a try but I asked her not to tell the kids what we were doing. I wanted them to guess as each piece of furniture was relocated. This was when I discovered my children's lack of logical skills.
We moved our dresser from our room to what would eventually be the computer room (but at that time was the son's room). He then ventured a guess that we were simply giving him our dresser. When I asked him to give us a reason why we would give him a huge dresser when he already had a place to store his clothes he could not provide one. Next we took the computer table apart and moved various pieces of computer equipment into his room. Again he made a guess that we were going to give him the computer. I asked him if this seemed logical and (wishfully thinking) he thought that it made perfect sense. At this point in time we got the kids into the living room to watch part of a movie so they would not be in our way. We moved the daughter's bed into our room and set it up where the computer table used to be. I then asked her to come make her bed. When she came to her room and the bed was gone she did not know what to think. The first place she searched for her bed was her brother's room. Now this actually made sense since they shared a room in the apartment last year. Not finding it there she then looked in our room and found it. She then told us in an excited voice that she knew what we were doing. She thought that we were just moving her into our room and that she got to sleep with mommy and daddy. She was very excited as she told us about this and somewhat dejected when we told her she was guessing wrong. As more pieces moved back and forth, more outrageous guesses were made until eventually (when everything was moved) they understood and did a little dance of joy.
It has been a few days since this rearrangement and I must say that I don't mind (and somewhat enjoy) having a smaller room and having the computer NOT in our room. The kids are still very excited about having a huge room to play in. We will have to see how long this lasts.
Thanks for reading my Random Thoughts.